Summer Safety Tips for Dog Owners

Summer safety tips for dog owners

Estimated Read Time: 6 min, 30 sec
Summer is right around the corner. If you’re like me, I’m sure you’re already counting down the days and planning your “fun in the sun” bucket list. Many dog owners take their pup (I mean, furry child) everywhere, literally, everywhere. Venturing out into the heat on summer days is slightly different from other seasons, so fur parents have to remember to stay prepared! We have put together a nice list of summer safety tips for dog owners to help.

Would My Child Benefit From An Emotional Support Animal?

Mother and Child playing with an emotional support animal

Estimated Read Time: 6 min, 46 sec
Since the dawn of time, animals have been documented as being companions of humankind. They just have this innate, intangible quality about them that draws us near and makes us feel good. This seems to be especially true when it comes to a child’s connection with animals. Many people are familiar with Service Animals that can provide tremendous benefits for a child with disabilities or medical conditions like blindness, epilepsy, or hearing impairments. But for those dealing with more invisible mental health disabilities, would my child benefit from an Emotional Support Animal?

Cats vs Dogs: Which is the Right Emotional Support Animal?

*Estimated Read Time: 8 min, 32 sec. The cats vs dogs saga is a tail as old as time. Which is the superior breed of pet? There is much opinion on the matter, and so the debate rages onward. Cats and dogs both make wonderful companions in their own distinct ways. If you are curious which species would be best suited to meet your particular emotional support needs, read on!

Ways to Get Your Dog to Trust and Love you

11 Ways to Get Your Dog to Love Trust and Respect You

*Estimated Read Time: 7 min, 25 sec. If you’ve got a new canine companion, there are some important things you should know about how to achieve that longed-for BFF status. Before you buy colored string to make matching friendship bracelets, you may want to take note of these tried and true methods to get your dog to trust. Once you’ve earned his trust, the love and respect will follow close behind.

3 Ways Service Dogs Can Calm Anxiety

*Estimated Read Time: 6 min, 7 sec. Dogs calm anxiety simply by being present. It’s no secret that dogs offer unconditional love along with endless amounts of hugs and kisses. The simple act of petting a dog is scientifically proven to lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate, and release serotonin (the happy hormone).

How Do I Get an ESA in Florida

*Estimated Read Time: 6 min, 45 sec. Florida also follows the ADA definitions of ESAs. They recognize that an Emotional Support Animal is a vital component in treating some emotional and mental conditions. You can’t just slap a sticker on Fido’s vest and call him your ESA. Keep reading to learn how to qualify your pet as an ESA in Florida.

What is my dog feeling?

Estimated Read Time: 7 min, 18 sec
Good communication and mutual understanding are the backbones of any successful relationship, but how the heck do you build a long-lasting and healthy relationship with your dog? While we can’t listen to their thoughts, you should be able to start answering “what is my dog feeling?” by paying attention to his body language.

7 Most Common Life Changes that Cause Stress

*Estimated Read Time: 7 min 8 sec. Everyone experiences stress. It is a normal part of life. In the proper context, a little pressure can actually be quite beneficial and motivating! Unfortunately, the kind of changes that cause stress most often aren’t as helpful. One of the most talked-about 2020 (and now 2021) stress management tools has been pet ownership. 

Emotional Support Animals vs Psychiatric Service Dogs: What’s the difference?

*Estimated Read Time: 7 min 52 sec. As a reputable provider in housing and travel accommodation letters, we know there can be confusion surrounding the definitions, requirements, and legal rights pertaining to Emotional Support Animals and Psychiatric Service Dogs. If you have been wondering this yourself, we are here to help!

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