New DOT Rules for Emotional Support Animals: What Every ESA Owner Should Know
*Estimated Read Time: 3 min 15 sec. The Department of Transportation recently announced that airlines will no longer be required to recognize ESAs. However, Service Animals (including Psychiatric Service Dogs), who are trained to perform a specific task associated with their owner’s disability, are still legally protected and eligible for those rights.
Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe and Enjoy the Holidays
*Estimated Read Time: 7 min 46 sec. Don’t let your furry pal’s curiosity deter you from having a bright and festive holiday season complete with all your favorite traditions. We’ve compiled some tips to keep your pet safe and enjoy the holidays!
Know Your Official Rights as an Emotional Support Animal Owner
*Estimated Read Time: 10 min 59 sec. ESAs help their owners manage unseen mental disabilities. They deserve equal housing and travel safeguards as animals who help manage visible physical disabilities. You should know your official rights as an Emotional Support Animal owner.
Holiday Volunteer Ideas Designed For Animal Lovers
*Estimated Read Time : 5 min 50 sec. Around this time of year, animal lovers far and wide seek ways to volunteer their time
and treasure. Here are 7 holiday volunteer ideas designed for the animal lover that you are sure to appreciate.
Where to Find Your Support Animal
*Estimated Read Time: 7min 45 seconds. The decision to get an Emotional Support Animal is a big one! There are a LOT of questions and considerations. One of the most prominent is where you should go to find your new cat or dog. It can be tricky deciding whether to rescue locally or purchase from a breeder.
Is Crate Training Good Or Bad? Find Out Now
*Estimated read time 6min 57 seconds. I know you all just clicked this to find out the quick answer to the question, “is crate training good or bad?” I’ll get to that… but first a little bit about us. Through a random series of events, this little dude ended up with us. He is part Mini pincher with some other things mixed in there.
Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Airline Travel Guide : Always up to date
*Estimated Read Time 11 min 40 Sec. As the popularity of flying with Emotional Support Animals increases, airlines are cracking down, and specifications, expectations, and guidelines are getting tighter and tighter.
Dog Obedience Training Matters for You and Your Dog
The thrill and anticipation of bringing a new dog into your home can be truly amazing. You wait and wait for the day to arrive as your excitement mounts and builds to bursting point! Finally, it happens. Your puppy is old enough to leave his mama OR the paperwork is settled and your dog can […]
5 Bizarre Things You Might Not Know About Dogs
Aren’t dogs fascinating? They are each so unique and different in their own ways. If you have been your pups human for any length of time, you’ve probably become slightly obsessed with the corky and adorable traits he or she possesses. Heck, you might even have a song that goes with wiggle butt. As dog […]
During the Pandemic Scare, Furry Friends are There!
I think we can all agree that there are a LOT of big things happening in the world around us right now. Not only has 2020 brought a sudden health crisis to our doorsteps but this year has also seen a new level of political unrest, economic uncertainty, and intense racial division. That’s just the […]