Seasonal Depression Explained
*Estimated Read Time: 5 min 42 sec
During the winter there are shorter days, longer nights, less sunlight, and more time indoors which can all contribute to a decline in mental wellness. While it is normal to deal with some “winter blues”, if you are experiencing long-lasting, deep levels of despair then you might be affected by seasonal depression. We have important information for you!
Finding Emotional Support in Unstable Times
*Estimated Read Time: 5 min 42 sec
The past few years have given us no shortage of reasons for disquiet. Building resilience to unpredictability can help you navigate the unknown more confidently and peacefully. Finding emotional support in unstable times can prevent us from feeling stressed when things don’t go as planned. Interested in learning how?
How ESA Help With Anxiety
*Estimated Read Time: 9 min 42 sec. For an anxious person, everyday things like the morning alarm can trigger a whole series of panic-driven thoughts that rush in like a title wave before the day has even begun. Thankfully, an emotional support animal can help cope with anxiety and relieve these feelings of panic.
My Journey with Anxiety and a Pup named Cooper: An Interview with April Ashcrop
Estimated Read Time: 14 min
In between sipping on my morning coffee and taking in this incredible scene, I reflect on a conversation I had with a good friend yesterday. We’ve been friends for over ten years, so even on a quick, fun getaway, we still bypass small talk and get right to the good stuff. We got into the topic of anxiety. I live and cope with it regularly but wasn’t aware she had experienced it her whole life. It is incredible how much less lonely knowing someone else understands can make one feel. I was humbled as I listened to her ongoing journey with anxiety.
Would My Child Benefit From An Emotional Support Animal?
Estimated Read Time: 6 min, 46 sec
Since the dawn of time, animals have been documented as being companions of humankind. They just have this innate, intangible quality about them that draws us near and makes us feel good. This seems to be especially true when it comes to a child’s connection with animals. Many people are familiar with Service Animals that can provide tremendous benefits for a child with disabilities or medical conditions like blindness, epilepsy, or hearing impairments. But for those dealing with more invisible mental health disabilities, would my child benefit from an Emotional Support Animal?