The Healing Power of an Emotional Comfort Animal

Emotional Comfort Animal Cover Photo

In a world where stress, anxiety, and depression are increasingly common, emotional comfort animals (also known as emotional support animals or ESAs) have become a valuable ally for mental health. Emotional comfort animals are more than just pets; they offer therapeutic benefits that promote emotional stability, reduce feelings of loneliness, and improve overall quality of […]

National Service Dog Month: Understanding PSAs and Their Mental Health Benefits

National Service Dog Month

When you think of service animals, you may think of dogs that help people with physical disabilities, such as seeing eye dogs, or dogs that help people who are wheelchair bound. But service animals can also aid people with physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disabilities. These Psychiatric Service Animals play a crucial role […]

Empowering Lives: The Role of a Psychiatric Assistance Dog

Psychiatric Assistance Dog cover photo

Psychiatric assistance dogs are important helpers for people with mental health challenges. You might more commonly hear them called psychiatric service dogs. They do a lot to help their owners feel better and manage different types of mental health issues. In this post, we’ll discuss what makes these dogs so special. And we’ll explain how […]

Can I Claim My Cat as a Service Cat for Anxiety?

Service Cat for Anxiety cover photo

In recent years, the role of animals in supporting mental health has gained increasing recognition. Among these animals, cats, with their calming presence, have become a popular choice for those seeking emotional support.  This brings us to an important question: Can I claim my cat as a service cat for anxiety? Let’s explore this topic […]

How to Get a Housing Letter for Your ESA in 2024

How to Get a Housing Letter for Your ESA in 2022

*Estimated Read Time: 5 min 54 sec
Looking for a supplemental or non-traditional way to manage your mental health struggles? Unsure where to begin? Along with our licensed healthcare partners, we are experts in the field and are happy to explain exactly how to get a housing letter for your ESA in 2022!

Can a Service Dog Help with Dermatillomania?

Dermatillomania Cover

Dermatillomania, also known as excoriation disorder or skin picking disorder, is a psychological condition characterized by compulsive picking, scratching, or pulling at the skin. It affects approximately 2-3% of the population (estimates vary) and causes distress and potential physical harm. Dermatillomania is typically treated through a variety of therapeutic approaches. Considering  Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) […]

The Most Underrated Dog Breeds

Most Underrated Dog Breeds

*Estimated Read Time: 4 min 52 sec
Don’t let these precious breeds suffer because of common misconceptions! Harmful myths can lead to dog discrimination and many unnecessary shelter euthanizations. Read all about the most underrated dog breeds, and find out if one might be perfect for YOU!

Can Cats Sense Their Human Companions’ Feelings of Anxiety?

Cats & Anxiety - Featured Image

Cats make great companions. They’re independent, yet affectionate, and they have a relaxed air about them that can be soothing. But what happens when our feline friends sense that we’re stressed out or anxious? Can cats sense anxiety too? Let’s take a look at what the experts say. Table of Contents Scientific Findings About Cats […]

How to Potty Train a Puppy

How To Potty Train a Puppy

*Estimated Read Time: 8 min 50 sec
Getting a new puppy can have many perks. However, bringing a puppy into your home can have challenges, too. Potty training is among one of the most common. Find out the best practices to learn how to potty train a puppy, right here!

Do Golden Retrievers Make Good Service Dogs?

Do Golden Retrievers Make Good Service Dogs?

*Estimated Read Time: 5 min
Considering training a Service Dog to aid in your mental health treatment plan? One of the most important decisions is which breed would best serve you. While many common breeds have the potential for effective task training, some breeds have characteristics that will pair better with psychiatric disabilities. So do Golden Retrievers make the cut? Read here to find out!