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Most Underrated Dog Breeds

The Most Underrated Dog Breeds

When adopting a dog, popular breeds such as Labradors, Golden Retrievers, or German Shepherds come to mind. However, many other dog breeds are often overlooked and underrated. These breeds have unique characteristics and personalities that make them just as lovable and deserving of a good home. In this blog post, we will discuss the most underrated dog breeds, the myths associated with them, and how some make fantastic service animals and emotional support animals (ESAs).

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The Least Adopted Dog Breeds

Some dog breeds are frequently disregarded or have negative perceptions associated with them due to myths and misconceptions. This means they are often ignored and neglected at shelters leading to higher euthanization rates.

The following dog breeds have garnered a bad reputation, causing people to avoid them as pets. In many cases, these negative reputations are not entirely justified. I love rooting for the underdog; it is time to share a little love with these overlooked breeds. 

Most Underrated Dog Breeds

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“Bully Breeds” 

Bully breeds are a group of dogs that exhibit similar characteristics, including Pit bulls, Staffordshire Terriers, American Bulldogs, and some types of Mastiffs. Members of this group often exhibit similar physical characteristics, such as a broad, shovel-shaped head, robust jaw, and muscular build. They have a negative reputation, compounded by mischaracterizations and a past of mistreatment. They are often perceived as aggressive and dangerous. However, when appropriately trained, they are loyal and loving dogs that make great family pets.

Black Dogs

Although not a breed, dogs with black coats tend to languish at Animal Shelters longer than others. In pet adoption terms, this is known as Black Dog Syndrome. Dogs with lighter colors are preferred over those with black fur. Shelters and rescue organizations globally report that fur color hurts the adoption rates of black pets. Are black dogs being overlooked because of an unfair fear stigma against certain breeds? Adopters might pass them by in favor of more “popular” pups. Let’s break the cycle and give these fur babies a chance at love!


The mixed breed dog is often overlooked and deserves recognition. Unintentionally mixed breeds are often ignored despite being an excellent option for pet owners. One of my favorite pets growing up was a mutt! These mixed-breed dogs offer a blend of desirable traits from their parents.

There are many exceptional breeds, and this list does not encompass them all. There are plenty of reasons to choose a less-adoptable pet. Keeping the option open may land you the friend of a lifetime!

Most Underrated Dog Breeds

Myths About Underrated Dog Breeds

According to the American Kennel Club’s rankings, some of America’s least popular dog breeds include the Sloughi, Norwegian Lundehund, and English Foxhound. These breeds get overlooked due to misconceptions about their personalities or appearances. For example, the English Foxhound is often thought to require too much exercise and space and is known to be quite vocal, but in reality, they are adaptable and make great family pets. Similarly, the Norwegian Lundehund’s six toes on each foot may seem strange, but they are brilliant and can learn tricks quickly. 

Similarly, several other dog breeds fall into this category due to commonly believed misconceptions. Let’s explore them and get these animals out of the “Dog House.


Smaller dog breeds like the Chihuahua are perceived as fragile and helpless fashion accessories, yet they can also exhibit fierce independence and make excellent watchdogs.

Border Collies

Don’t let their high energy reputation fool you – Border Collies are versatile creatures that can thrive in homes of all sizes, provided they get enough physical and mental stimulation to keep their brilliant minds engaged. These clever pups will thrive in an environment that offers a variety of mental and physical challenges.


While greyhounds are commonly associated with high exercise needs because of their racing history, they are relatively low-energy animals who are content with relaxing in the home. Regular exercise is necessary for them, but they don’t require an excessive amount.

Most Underrated Dog Breeds


This breed is known to display high energy and activity levels but can also exhibit a calm and relaxed demeanor. Beyond being adorable, dalmatians thrive with obedience training and regular exercise.

Basset Hounds

Basset Hounds may be perceived as stubborn and challenging to train. However, they are intelligent and can be effectively trained using positive reinforcement techniques. They are known for their friendly and relaxed personalities.


Beagles are commonly thought to be excessive howlers, but this breed is quite adaptable and can live in many different environments without howling all the time.

Border Collies

Border Collies are known to need a lot of space to run and play, but they are adaptable and can do well in smaller homes as long as they receive enough exercise and mental stimulation. They are highly intelligent and thrive with obedience training and challenging activities.

Proper training and environment are the most significant indicators of a dog’s behavior. Dogs that have been adequately trained and socialized will behave around children and other dogs. Additionally, well-trained dogs won’t display aggression and tend to be more loving, gentle, and loyal. Certain breeds may have common personality traits, but it is critical to assess each dog individually, as each is unique.
Most Underrated Dog Breeds

Service Animals and ESAs

Due to their intelligence, loyalty, and adaptability, many underrated dog breeds make incredible Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals (ESAs). For example, the Belgian Malinois is a breed often used as a Service Animal because of its intelligence and ability to learn complex tasks quickly. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is another breed used as a Service Dog due to its strength and ability to carry heavy loads.

In addition, many underrated dog breeds make great ESAs due to their calm and affectionate nature. The Bichon Frise is a breed often used as an ESA due to its friendly and playful personality. The Whippet is another breed that makes a great ESA due to its calm and gentle nature.

If you need help determining your eligibility for a Service or Emotional Support Animal, American Service Pets can help simplify the process and determine which type of assistance animal is right for you. 

What Do You Think?

Adding a new pet to your household requires careful consideration. Find your furry soulmate at one of the countless pet adoption agencies nationwide – they’re paw-some at helping you find the pet that will complete your family! Pet adoption can provide a meaningful opportunity to save an animal’s life and bring happiness into your home.

In conclusion, many underrated dog breeds are often overlooked but make great family pets, Service Animals, and Emotional Support Animals. These dogs have unique personalities and characteristics, making them a great addition to any family. I hope this has helped to clear up the bad reputation some of these breeds have earned and helps to bust a few out of the dog house! Pay attention to these underrated dog breeds when choosing your next furry friend.

ESA or PSA Certification?

The benefits of an Emotional Support Animal certification and a Psychiatric Service Dog certification are drastically different. Fortunately for you, American Service Pets’ network of active board certified doctors can help you find the right path to certification. To find out whether you need an ESA or PSD letter, take our easy, three-step Pet Owner Survey!


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