How to Get Your Emotional Support Animal Certification
in Pennsylvania

Get Your Pennsylvania ESA Letter Today!

Many people find that their four-legged friends are a source of comfort and support, and they’re also an effective treatment for emotional disorders. An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) can help people manage the symptoms of PTSD, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and ADHD. That’s why it’s critical to recognize the health rewards these animals provide.

Finding an establishment that allows pets in Pennsylvania, such as rental housing, takes time and patience. A considerable deposit is also typically required because landlords enforce strict pet policies to avoid costly pet damage to the property, no matter how useful the animal. Tenants with undocumented support animals could face a judge and all the costs associated with court proceedings.

The Federal Fair Housing Act gives animal owners the right to keep their ESA in their homes. Landlords are prohibited by law from charging a pet deposit or other fees against anyone with an ESA in Pennsylvania. They must have a legitimate approval letter, however. 

American Service Pets assists renters in getting the authorization needed for their qualified animal. See if you meet the criteria for a Pennsylvania ESA letter today. 

Benefits of Emotional Support Animals

Most ESAs are dogs because of the ease of training and compatibility, but they can be of any species that delivers comfort. These animals are helpful to those who can have trouble coping when the day becomes hectic. 

Being around them is calming and can help in instances of panic, anxiety, and emotional strain. They also have some extra advantages, including:

Love & Appreciation

Qualified Emotional Support Animals give genuine love and faithfulness when their owners need it most. Their presence can help stressed-out owners push through the mentally overwhelming parts of life. 

Relief From Loneliness

Social and familial connections have a significant influence on mental health, and a qualified ESA works well as a loyal friend. Having a supportive and comforting animal in your life can make you feel less lonely. They also serve to forge a better connection with friends, family, coworkers, and the environment.

Natural Medicine

A qualified ESA can have a relaxing effect, not unlike prescription anxiety medicine, when its owner deals with challenging demands, and they help keep emotions under control. They’re a sensible option for people who want to treat stress, anxiety, and emotional issues without medications. 

Physical Rehabilitation

Recovering from a physical injury is easier when you have a comfort animal by your side. Patients recovering from a heart attack or stroke, broken bones, accidents and falls, and addiction often discover comfort and inspiration in their animals. An ESA boosts spirits and self-confidence at vulnerable moments.  

Constant stress negatively impacts every system of the body. Emotional Support Animals assist their owners through stressful times, no matter whether they’re caused by other people or their own negative thought patterns. American Service Pets helps many such pet owners qualify for a Pennsylvania ESA letter. 

Pennsylvania Emotional Support Animal Laws

ESAs come in all shapes and sizes, with personalities providing several additional fun benefits. There are some things they can’t do, however. Some jobs are only performed by trained service dogs, and Psychiatric Service Animals (PSAs), by law.  These jobs include sensing seizures or panic attacks, retrieving medications and insulin, or assisting the blind. 

The differences in their jobs afford their owners separate legal privileges. Here are some fundamental laws that apply in Pennsylvania:

Housing Laws

The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits landlords in Pennsylvania from evicting tenants who own a legitimate Emotional Support Animal. They have no right to charge a pet deposit or extra fees to any tenant with an ESA. 

Landlords can legally charge for repairs made because of an ESA. They also have the right to see the official ESA letter and may ask about the nature of the disability. Landlords can refuse an ESA that isn’t house-trained or is too big, aggressive, or destructive.

Pennsylvania Housing Laws for Emotional Support Animals
Pennsylvania Public Access Laws for Emotional Support Animals

Public Places

Pennsylvania law mandates that owners of public accommodations allow access to legitimate Emotional Support Animals. Qualified ESAs are permitted access anywhere in Pennsylvania that allows pets. This can include:

  • Beaches
  • Malls
  • Gyms or courts
  • Theaters
  • Tourist attractions
  • Restaurants
  • Grocery stores

Call ahead to any establishment you plan to visit with your support animal for best results. Learning the rules beforehand can prevent any disappointing future circumstances.

Workplace Laws

Pennsylvania law doesn’t mandate that employers allow an ESA in their place of business. State law does say, however, that employers must fully accommodate employees with disabilities. Possessing a legitimate Pennsylvania ESA letter can be the determining factor in a sympathetic employer consenting to ESA access.

Workplace Laws for Pennsylvania ESAs
Travel Laws for Pennsylvania Emotional Support Animals

Travel Laws

Airlines make their own decisions regarding in-cabin support animals since 2020, when the Department of Transportation updated the formal travel guidelines. Most American airlines have banned ESA in-cabin travel and only allow them under standard pet regulation. It’s a smart move to check with the airline so you know what to expect.

Pennsylvania law doesn’t insist on ESA access to public transportation, including:

  • Buses
  • Ridesharing services
  • Subways
  • Railcars
  • Trams

Emotional Support Animals in Pennsylvania are allowed to live at home with their owners, who often believe that to be the most important privilege. American Service Pets is excited to offer Pennsylvanians an opportunity to validate the status of their valued ESA.

The Basics

Does the state have its own laws in addition to federal legislature?

Yes. In addition to following the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Pennsylvania has its own state laws regarding service animals. The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act (PHRA) specifically governs state and local government activities and many privately-owned public accommodations within Pennsylvania.

Definition of a "Service Animal"

Pennsylvania defers to the ADA definition for service animal. Under the ADA, a service animal is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. The task should be directly related to the individual’s disabilities.

What is considered a disability in the state?

A disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities. The state definition of protected disabilities specifically mentions service animals for those who are blind, deaf, or have another physical disability. However, the overall definition of “handicap or disability” under the PHRA includes both physical and mental impairments.

What animals qualify as a service animal?

Dogs and miniature horses both qualify as service animal under the ADA. However, miniature horses may be restricted depending on whether the facility can accommodate it safely.

Are there penalties for falsly claiming or implying (such as with a service animal harness), that one's animal is a service animal?

Any person who misrepresents their animal as a service animal (or an assistance animal in the case of housing) via documentation, accessory (ie. a harness, collar, vest, or sign indicating the animal’s status as a service animal), or statement is considered to have committed a third degree misdemeanor. They can be subject to a fine of up to $1,000 for this offense.

Do state laws provide coverage for service animals in training?

Yes. The PHRA says that both handlers and trainers of support or guide animals have the same right to not be discriminated against.

Do state laws provide coverage for Emotional Support Animals?

Neither the ADA nor Pennsylvania state law cover emotional support animals when it comes to public accommodations because they are not trained in the same way service animals are.

Public Accommodations & Travel with a Service Animal

What counts as a "public accommodation" in the state? Ie. Where are service dogs allowed?

The definition of “public accommodation, resort, or amusement” under Pennsylvania law is extremely broad. It includes hotels, restaurants (or any establishment where food and/or drink are sold), stores, educational facilities such as schools and libraries, beauty parlors, entertainment or recreational facilities such as theaters, race courses, gyms, bowling alleys, swimming pools, etc. The ADA’s definition of public accommodations is similarly broad.

Can a public establishment question a service animal?

Establishments may only ask whether the animal is required because of a disability and what task(s) the animal is trained to perform.

Are there any exceptions to public accommodations allowances?

In terms of what places qualify, the PHRA specifically states that public accommodations do not include places “which are in their nature distinctly private.” A facility that does qualify under the public accommodations provisions may remove or deny a service animal access if the animal is out of control, not housebroken, or threatening the health and safety of other patrons.

What are the rules regarding service animals on public transportation?

Service animals are allowed on a variety of transportation services, including taxis and ride-shares, buses, trollies, commuter rail, shuttles, and rapid transit.

Are there any special measures you must take to have a service animal assisting you in public?

While an animal must be trained to qualify as a service animal, there is not any kind of formal approval, certification, or license required to show that a service animal has been trained. Generally service animals are required to be on a leash, harness, or other tether unless doing so would interfere with the animal’s ability to do its task(s). In that case, the animal needs to be under verbal or signal control.

Are there laws about service animals in the workplace?

The use of service or guide animals in a place of employment is covered by the PHRA. Employees have the right to request a reasonable accommodation for their service animal, and employers cannot refuse to hire an individual that needs a service animal. There may be certain exceptions to animal allowances (ie. if the animal would cause a significant burden to the employer) but generally service animals are permitted in the workplace.

Are service animals allowed access to healthcare facilities?

Hospitals are included in the state’s definition of public accommodations. Generally when it comes to healthcare facilities, service animals are permitted anywhere that the general public is allowed, but may be barred from entering certain sterile areas, such as operating rooms or burn units.

Are there penalties for public places that refuse service animals?

Yes. Pennsylvania law makes it a summary offense for any person or business to deny access to an individual using a service animal.

Pennsylvania follows the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA), which defines a service animal as a dog (regardless of breed or size) trained to do work or perform tasks to assist a qualified individual with a diability, and may include psychiatric service dogs. Minature horses are excluded in this definition.

How do airlines determine what qualifies as a service animal?

Airlines can require a passenger to provide a U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) form attesting to the animal’s health, behavior, and training and a U.S. DOT form attesting that the animal can either not relieve itself or can relieve itself in a sanitary manner (if the animal will be on a flight that is 8 or more hours).

Are service animals in-training covered by this law?

The ACAA does not address service animals in-training, so airlines are not required to carry them as they do not meet the requirements of an ACAA-defined service animal. However, airlines can make their own individual policies.

Housing Law

What are the state's laws regarding housing and service animals?

Any individual in need of a service or assistance animal has the right to request a reasonable accommodation from their landlord or housing association. The landlord or association, in turn, can make a request for documentation justifying the use of the service or assistance animal. This documentation should 1) be in writing; 2) be reliable and based on direct knowledge of the person’s disability and disability-related need for the animal; and 3) describe the specific need for the animal. Such documentation could come from someone like a healthcare or mental health professional.

Am I liable for damage caused by my service animal?

While individuals with service animals cannot be required to pay extra fees or “pet rent” for their animals, they can be liable for any damage beyond normal wear-and-tear caused by the animal.

Do housing laws extend to ESAs?

Yes. Pennsylvania’s Assistance and Service Animal Integrity Act protects “assistance animals,” which are animals other than service animals that qualify as a reasonable accommodation under the FHA or local law. The Act notes that this category includes emotional support animals.

Discrimination Complaints

How can I file a complaint for not being allowed in a public accommodation with my service dog?

If you believe you have experienced public accommodations discrimination, you can file a complaint by calling the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC) at 717-787-4410 or visiting one of the PHRC’s regional offices in Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, or Philadelphia. Employment discrimination complaints follow the same protocol. You can also contact Disability Rights Pennsylvania (DRP) for help by calling 800-692-7443 or

How can I file a complaint for not being allowed to have my service dog in housing (or for being forced to pay a fee to a landlord)?

For housing discrimination, call the Pennsylvania Fair Housing Hotline at 855-866-5718. You can also contact the PHRC or visit one of its regional offices. Additionally, you may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) within 365 days of the alleged discriminatory event as well.

How to Obtain an Emotional Support Animal Certification Letter in Pennsylvania

American Service Pets recognizes how critical support animals are and the significance of their health benefits, so we’ve simplified the process to help even further. Here’s how to do it:

Fill Out the Questionnaire

It takes approximately three minutes to answer the American Service Pets questionnaire to determine your eligibility. 

Get a Doctor’s Approval

American Service Pets allows you to submit your file to a licensed Pennsylvania state-approved doctor or other licensed mental health provider for authorization. Doctors are always available, and most requests are approved within three to five minutes. Letters are emailed immediately.

Add Your Pet to the National Directory

Your pet gets an online pet profile on the national directory that shows its status and ESA letter for public view.

American Service Pets has helped over 45,000 pet owners in America authorize their qualified comfort animals. As many as 95% of candidates qualify for official ESA letters. See if you meet the criteria in just a few minutes.

The American Service Pets Difference

American Service Pets works hard to help applicants get the approval required by the state and federal government for their support system. Here’s what makes us a good choice for you:

How to Certify Your Pet as an Emotional Support Animal in Pennsylvania

Now is the time to secure your rights to the valuable health benefits of your qualified animal. A Pennsylvania ESA letter will officially endorse your unique therapeutic connection.

Allow Us to Help Get Your ESA Approved

Getting legal endorsement for your ESA can be a big stress reliever, but not everyone is sold on the idea. Convince stubborn landlords and others of this essential connection with a Pennsylvania ESA letter. Answer the five questions on our questionnaire today, and you’ll be on your way to getting approved — usually on the same day — for an Emotional Support Animal in Pennsylvania.

Disclaimer: We would like to emphasize that while the terms “certification” or “registration” may be used in relation to Emotional Support Animals, there is no official certification process for ESAs or any form of ESA registry as of this date. As such, the use of these terms should not be interpreted as legally recognized designations by government or regulatory authorities. Remember, ESAs can provide a valuable source of comfort and support, but their recognition relies on proper documentation from a healthcare professional and adherence to relevant laws and guidelines.