Will you be My Valentine

Doggy Date Ideas For Valentines Day

Your emotional support animal has been providing you with a strong, funny, cute shoulder to lean on ever since your ESA letter approval. On Valentine’s Day, why not return the favor officially? Your ESA dog will appreciate it more than you know. Here are some great doggy date ideas for Valentine’s Day that everyone can enjoy.

If you don’t have an ESA letter yet and would like to see if you qualify then American Service Pets is the place for you!

Table of Contents

Taking a Trip

ESA pets are smart – they know what a vacation means. Take your pet on a vacation and watch how much you are appreciated! Read this article if you want to know more about flying with your emotional support dog or cat. 

Window Shopping

Your ESA pet doesn’t need you to buy up the world – just marveling at its wonders is enough! Window shopping is a relaxing and inexpensive pastime that will allow you bonding time with your pet. Pet love is what this Valentine’s Day holiday is all about. No one knows this better than your pet, who has been showing you the love without gifts for however long you have known each other!

Pet-Friendly Hotels

If your ESA has not known the feeling of pampered luxury, then maybe you should give it a little time off to feel exactly what first class living is all about. There is an entire industry of pet-friendly hotels that are ready to provide a decadent experience for you and your pet. You guys may not want to come back! These hotels come complete with room service, pet massages, and other amenities that may leave you a bit jealous if they were all listed! Pet pampering is a thing these days so why not give back to your furry friend this Valentines day! 

Catering Dinner

In terms of diet, our pets are just like us. They have foods that they should only eat once in a while. Those foods are usually the creamiest, most luscious, tasty foods available. Well, Valentine’s Day is the time to splurge! If you feel like staying in, a first-class dinner may be just the activity for the evening. Planning a fancy feast in for you and your pet could also give you a reason to look more deeply into their dietary needs. Cooking with your pet is also a great way to relax and bond with your furry friend. Consult with your veterinarian for some great options that will probably lead to some great research as well.

Movie Night

Taking in a great movie that fits in with the personality of you and your pet is a great way to cap off a night of romantic adventures. Although, you can also do a binge with pizza and popcorn if you have some catching up to do on your media! The secret to success here is to remember the personality traits that brought you and your pet together. Are you both adventurers or romantics? Do you love living the fast life or taking it slow? Get movies that celebrate your common characteristics, and you are sure to have a bonding experience that will give you memories for a lifetime.

These are just a few ideas for the Valentine’s Day holiday – use your imagination for many more. In conclusion, no one knows the relationship between you and your pet better than (you guessed it) you and your pet. Sometimes the best ideas come from your peers. Don’t be afraid to ask other ESA owners how they celebrate with their favorite pets!

Get Your ESA Today


Due to the new Department of Transportation (DOT) policy, Emotional Support Animals are NO longer allowed to fly in airplane cabins for free. However, Psychiatric Service Dogs are eligible.


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