American Service Pets Blog
Read the latest news related to pets, ESA, PSA, laws, and tips and tricks for caring for your pets.
Dogs and Rabbits: We love them all!
Here at American Service Pets, we are surrounded by pet lovers. Cats, Dogs and….Rabbits. We love ’em all and want to share a little piece
Preparing Emotional Support Animal for its First Flight
Preparing Your Emotional Support Animal for its First Flight DOT Update: On December 2, 2020, the Department of Transportation announced that it is revising rules around
Feeling Blue? Four Reasons to Complement ESA Support
Feeling Blue? Four Reasons to Complement ESA Support with Teletherapy Estimates cite, more than 44 million Americans ranging in age from youngster to seniors, suffer
Help! My Cat Keeps Throwing Up
Cats are such unique animals for many reasons… They delight in the physical presence of humans but also have their own mind. Cats tend to
Cyber Monday 2018: Best Pet Products Online
Cyber Monday is here! If you cower the thought of having to fight through crowds during holiday shopping, Cyber Monday and Black Friday deals online
Black Friday 2018: Best Pet Products on the Market
If you are the proud owner of a fluffy friend, you can look to saving lots of cash during this year’s biggest annual retail events
Criteria for an Emotional Support Dog
There are so many children that would love to have a pet and adults that wanted a puppy as a child and even now as
Top 10 Benefits of Pet Therapy
*Estimated Read Time: 1 min, 42 sec. Animals have a special way of providing comfort and relief from emotional and mental disabilities, such as depression, stress, mood disorders, anxiety, and many more. Increased awareness of these amazing benefits has led more and more people to adopt and register their floofy companion as a way of pet therapy.
Questions to Answer Before Getting an Animal
*Estimated Read Time: 1 min, 49 sec. Learn the 3 questions to ask yourself before getting an emotional support animal. Here we give you step by step directions and helpful information on getting your emotional support animal and why it’s important to get an ESA letter.
How to Get an Emotional Support Animal
*Estimated Read Time: 1 min, 2 sec. If your animal brings a soothing, calming presence to your life and plays a vital role in your emotional and psychiatric health, it can be considered an emotional support animal. Here at American Service Pets, we do our best to make the process of how to get an emotional support animal easy.
A Look Inside American Service Pets
*Estimated Read Time: 3 min, 0 sec. It wasn’t long ago I had the privilege to meet one of our American Service Pets customers, Sarah. I had a lot in common with Sarah, the biggest was that we had both experienced a tremendous loss in our life. She filled the room up with so much light and joy, but I knew there was more behind her contagious smile…